Open call 2016 for artists and curators


Selection committee 

– Diane Hennebert, Founder of Out of the Box (Belgium)
– Nathalie Guiot, Founder-president of the Thalie Foundation (Belgium)
– Julien Amicel, Director of Fondation Thalie (Belgium)
– Alexandra Baudelot, Co-Director of Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers (France)
– Jérôme Poggi, Gallery owner and mediator for New Sponsors (France)
– Giuliana Setari Carusi, Founder of the Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art (France)
– Philippe Terrier-Hermann, Artist, teacher (France)

Selection criteria

Artists and curators who have already carried out an international visual arts project and wish to explore the territory of Brussels in its cultural diversity. Open to all without any nationality or age restriction. Mastery of French and/or English is compulsory.

Reception conditions 

Duration of the residence: 4 months maximum (in one or several times depending on the project)
Number of beneficiaries: 3
Assistance provided to the resident :
– Production aid for a maximum amount of 4,000 euros justified on the basis of a provisional budget submitted to the foundation team. Co-productions with other art centres are strongly encouraged.
– Provision of a single room with a shower room, as well as common areas for the residents: kitchen, living room and a work space.
– Living grant of a lump sum of 600 euros per month.
– Coverage of transport AR.
– Contact with socio-cultural actors.
– Support for the implementation of the project in all its components: logistics, artistic, mediation, communication, presentation within the public programming…


Deadline for applications: 31 August 2016
Selection of the winners: October 2016
Residents welcome : All year 2017 starting in February.

Artistic book and sending modalities 

All applications must pay a participation fee of 12 euros to cover the administrative costs of this call. In the event of non-selection, this sum cannot be refunded.

Applications must be submitted by 31 August 2016 at the latest, by e-mail and by post to

The file should include the following elements:
– Presentation of the project with an identified public (3000 words maximum), provisional production budget, retro-planning
– Art portfolio in a single pdf document with the possibility of Vimeo, Youtube or other links as needed.
– Curriculum vitae
– 2 references from professionals likely to comment on your work and its artistic development

Temporary postal Address :
Thalie Art Foundation
Boulevard Louis Schmidt 97 – Etterbeek 1040 – Belgium

Application mail:
For any questions about our activities: /