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The “bibliothèque idéale” by Nina LEGER


Language: French

The Fondation Thalie invites individuals to come and talk about their relationships with literature and to propose their ideal bibliography through five titles, which will feed the Foundation library to make it a shared library, both timeless yet reflective of the current times.

How to write sex? Not the sexual act, or not only, not pornography, or not only, but the male sex, exhibited, fetishized, rid of all the tinsel of the conventional or already written, too read narratives, of the speeches which narrativize it, eroticize it, reduce it? This is the purpose of Nina Leger in her latest book, “romance”, she says, but today, Torn to pieces as one dismantles an expected, like “she builds a palace of memory which, as it is populated with new sexes, is complicated by corridors, annexes and outbuildings ”.

Her “bibliothèque idéale”:
La Grande Balade by Hélène Bessette (Ed. Gallimard)
Le dernier monde by Céline Minard (Ed. Denoël)
Les gouvernantes by Anne Serre (Ed. Champ Vallon)
Fugitives by Alice Munro (Ed. Points)
La Clef ou La confession impudique by Jun’ichirō Tanizaki (Ed. Gallimard)

Nina Leger was born in 1988. She is the author of two novels, Histoire naturelle (2014, JC Lattès) and Mise en pièces (2017, Gallimard), for which she received the Anaïs Nin prize and the Vocation Littéraire prize. In November 2018, at the invitation of Marcel Editions, she published Stark, a variation on Victor Hugo’s Promontoire du Songe. Nina Leger teaches history and art theory at the ESADMM (École Supérieure d’art Marseille-Méditerranée).