Launched in 2020 by the Foundation on the initiative of Nathalie Guiot, the series of conversations Creators facing the climate emergency mobilizes the bold vision of the artist to imagine possible futures and invites the sharing of knowledge, by collaborating with researchers to reveal scientific facts through the experience of the sensitive. With more than 50 artists and scientists invited in 2 years, these meetings, attended by more than 40,000 people, aim to create collaborations between these two disciplines.
This 3rd season at the École des Arts Décoratifs is organised by Stefano Vendramin, coordinator of the programme Creators facing the climate emergency, in co-construction with Francesca Cozzolino, teacher in human and social sciences, and Patrick Laffont-DeLojo, teacher in stage design at the École des Arts Décoratifs
Guests: Tino Sehgal, artist and Agnès Sinaï, journalist and founder of the Momentum Institute.
Co-moderated by Nathalie Guiot, Founder-President of the Thalie Foundation, and Annabel Vergne, teacher at École des Arts Décoratifs.
Creating without destroying: is this possible? Sobriety is the order of the day and innovation must now be frugal in the face of the injunction to reduce our CO2 emissions by 43% by 2030. The change in society is systemic. Each step forward takes time and yet we have to move so fast. What is the impact of such an environmental challenge in the artistic sphere? Tino Sehgal, one of the most influential artists of his generation, has over the years built up a practice linked to the immaterial, to the performance that is by definition ephemeral, and to an experience lived by the spectator, in which voice, language and movement become artistic forms. The artist talks to Agnès Sinaï, professor at Sciences Po Paris and founder of the Momentum Institute, a think tank on the Anthropocene and the effects of degrowth. Together, they will discuss how to create without exhausting our natural resources.
The guests
Agnès Sinaï is an environmental journalist, author, and founder of the Momentum Institute, a network for reflection on the politics of the Anthropocene, collapse and degrowth. In 2010, she created a course on the politics of degrowth at Sciences Po. She holds a doctorate in spatial planning and urbanism (University of Paris Est), and a diploma in permaculture market gardening. She is developing a reflection on bioregions as places of earthly hospitality. She is the co-author of Le Grand Paris après l’effondrement (Wildproject, 2020) and of various books, including Sauver la Terre (Fayard, 2003), Petit traité de résilience locale (with Pablo Servigne, Raphaël Stevens, Hugo Carton, ECLM éditions, 2015), Walter Benjamin face à la tempête du progrès (Le Passager clandestin, 2016).