#8 Talk Tiphaine Calmettes & Emmanuel Hache: natural resources & energy transition

In the light of current times, the Foundation is broadening its field of exploration to include ecological issues through a series of online and live conversations “Word of Makers: facing the ecological crisis”. Artists, scientists and searchers are invited to question today’s world and create new narratives to draw more desirable futures:

– Which commitment and responsibility do the artist and the philosopher have regarding this crisis?
– How are artistic and writing practices impacted? Which behaviour should individually and collectively be implemented?
– What new way to produce and display art while public engagement becomes increasingly immaterial?
– Which vision and creativeness to be impulsed for reinventing tomorrow’s world?

Guests: Tiphaine Calmettes, visual artist and Emmanuel Hache, economist-prospector at IFP Énergies nouvelles and research director at IRIS – Institute for International and Strategic Relations.

A conversation in partnership with The Conversation, co-moderated by Jennifer Gallé and Jenna Barberot.

The Conversation
is an online media based on a collaboration between experts and journalists. The Conversation is part of an independent global network and aim at highlighting the news with academic and transparent expertise thanks to the contribution of international researchers.

Themes: Fit-to-eat narratives / Conceiving artistic creation as a living organism / Notion of resource and sobriety / Necessity of utopia / Green technologies and greenwashing / Difference between sobriety and degrowth in the face of the ecological emergency (Getting out of the restrictive vision of degrowth that scares people)

Cited references

Adam Smith
, philosopher and economist (1723-1790)
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Le Champignon de la fin du monde, La Découverte, 2017
Jean Giono, Que ma joie demeure, Grasset, 1935
David Abram, Comment la terre s’est tue : pour une écologie des sens, La Découverte, 2013
Marcelle Delpastre, poetry
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 
René Passet, L’Economique et le vivant, Economica, 1979
Hugues Jacquet, L’Intelligence de la main, L’Harmattan, 2012


Tiphaine Calmettes has been developing sensitive work in interaction with the living and its environment, since she graduated from the Fine Arts School of Bourges. Her edible narratives, which take the form of real culinary and performative experiments, are a testament to this. There is only one step from nourishing earth to material. Tiphaine Calmettes kneads it, sculpts it and transforms it, focusing on reversible forms. Not leaving a trace. From her hand are born works evolving in time and space which, erected from the ground, are returned to her once their use value has passed. Her works have been exhibited at the Zoo Galerie in Nantes, at the Kunstwerk Carslhütte in Germany, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure as part of Biennale de Lyon in 2019, and at the Centre International d’Art et de Paysage de l’île de Vassivière. Winner of the AWARE 2020 prize, rewarding annually an emerging woman artist, Tiphaine Calmettes’s work will soon enter in the CNAP collection.


Emmanuel HACHE

Emmanuel Hache works as an economist in the “Economics and Monitoring” department of IFP Énergies nouvelles. He holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and is a member of the forecasting unit of the “Economics and Environmental Assessment” department, where he evaluates diverse economic scenarios related to natural resources. Director of research at the Institute for International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) and knight of “Palmes Académiques”, he is the author of numerous articles on energy sobriety published by The Conversation.


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