Simon BOUDVIN / Visual arts & creative writings

During his residency, Simon Boudvin (1979, France) wants to pay particular attention to urban ecosystems. By observing the presence of foxes in Brussels and their interactions with the city, this project aims to develop a method for identifying and designing domestic spaces dedicated to these species.

Vulpes vulpes Bruxellae is a video slideshow project, documenting fox interactions with residents and their way of life in the city: napping in gardens while owners are at work, playing in parks at night when the dogs are away, making the rounds of the cats’ bowls while waiting for the familiar day when the garbage cans go out. There are images of their passage, photographs of the people of Brussels who share their fortuitous or daily encounters with the wolves on their screens, and boxes and sub-texts relating their chronicles.


Simon Boudvin studied at the École des Beaux-arts de Paris and the École d’architecture de Paris-Malaquais. After teaching at various art and architecture schools, he joined the École nationale supérieure de Paysage in Versailles in 2018. His work has developed through exhibitions, collaborations and publications – among his latest publications: “Ailanthus altissima”, ed. B42, 2021; “Bote-tchu & Sèllatte”, ed. Art & fiction, 2022; “Oise”, Building Books, 2022.

Yann Chateigné Tytelman, guest curator for the 2024 residency, will be guided laureates over the course of working sessions.