

by Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet

Screening of L'Iguane and launch of the publication, created on the occasion of Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet's residency (November 2017 - March 2018) at Fondation Thalie in collaboration with Aïtor, Saël, Léanna, Théo, Silke and Guillaume from L'atelier pédagogique Out of the Box (Brussels).

When the Fourierists discovered the Modern Spiritualism in 1853, they immediately tried to contact Charles Fourier's mind to clarify points of his doctrine. Fourier had reincarnated on Uranus, within an egalitarian society.

In the first half of the twentieth century, the spirits guided certain artists in the learning of painting, which allowed them to create magic paintings and represent extraterrestrial landscapes.

With L'Iguane, Louise Hervé and Chloé Maillet are interested in the articulation between social utopia, spiritualism and mediumistic art.

Communication with spirits and projection on other worlds appear as attempts to transmit knowledge and means of profound transformation of society, to circumvent earthly impasses.

Sébastien Martins

Born in 1981, Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet live and work in Paris. They founded the I.I.I.I. (International Institute for Important Items) in 2001, in which they create performances, movies and installations. Their practice oscillates between the fields of archeology, history, science-fiction and combines films, publication of short fictions and performances, in the manner of visit-conferences. They mix literary and cinematographic references with the reality. The duo is represented by Marcelle Alix gallery in Paris.

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