L’école de Marinella Senatore

Location : Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers
Co-producers: Regional council – Dance Residency / Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers
A project supported by the Fonation Thalie in 2016 as part of the Open Call launched in 2015.

Marinella Senatore established The School of Narrative Dance in 2013, a nomadic, free school offering an alternative educational program based on emancipation and self-teaching. The project has no fixed site, taking on different forms depending on the spaces it temporarily occupies and the active participation of the public. Based on The School of Narrative Dance, Marinella Senatore creates for Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers L’école de Marinella Senatore, an open, multidisciplinary and participatory platform which attempts – beyond creating an operetta on Saturday, March 26th 2016 – to build a community. The school is open to all, offers an extensive range of “experiences” and teaching sessions on literature, oral history, carpentry, art history, craftwork, photography, arithmetic, theatre, dance, and so on and brings together several groups and communities to celebrate the great diversity of skills and talents each participant can bring to a project and develop.

Thousands of individuals in over seven countries have already taken part in the school, including political activists, crafts people, non-literate learners, students, homemakers, trade unions, mutual benefit societies, pensioners and teachers. Active participation of the public is key to Marinella Senatore’s art practice.

Project visibility:
L’école de Marinella Senatore will be opening for a three-month period from Wednesday, February 10th 2016 to Monday, March 7th 2016. Creation of an operetta, with a public showing scheduled at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers on Saturday, March 26th 2016. More information on the website of les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers.