Suzanne Husky and Geneviève Pruvost
Ecofeminism: does everyday life have "the power of metamorphosis and invention"?
Launched in 2020 by the Fondation Thalie’s founder Nathalie Guiot, the series of conversations Creators facing climate emergency calls upon the creative vision of the artist to imagine alternative futures and to reveal scientific facts through sensory experiences that involve collaboration with scientists and to foster greater knowledge-sharing between these two disciplines.
Ecofeminism questions the links between the destruction of the environment and the oppression of women, both of which are based on a system of violence and domination: can this field of study and action become a source of inspiration and an emancipatory path for contemporary creation, as well as provide additional tools to act in the face of climate change? How can artists and creators, through this prism, transform their practices and invest the political field of the "least gesture" and "inter-subsistence", by taking inspiration from existing collective struggles (such as those of the Zones À Défendre), by listening to and inventing other narratives, and by turning to other knowledge?
Based on a curatorial proposal by Fondation Thalie, this third season hosted at the École des Arts Décoratifs is organised by Stefano Vendramin, coordinator of the programme Creators facing the climate emergency, in co-construction with Francesca Cozzolino, teacher in human and social sciences, and Patrick Laffont-DeLojo, teacher in stage design at the École des Arts Décoratifs.
Practical information
Guests : Suzanne Husky, artist and Geneviève Pruvost, sociologist of work and gender at the Centre d'étude des mouvements sociaux (EHESS).