Creators facing Climate Emergency: Nathalie Talec & Olivier Remaud

The Foundation is broadening its field of exploration to include ecological issues through a series of online and in pair conversations Creators facing Climate emergency. Artists, scientists and philosophers are invited to question today’s world and imagine new narratives to draw more desirable futures:

– Which commitment and responsibility do the artist and the philosopher have regarding this crisis?
– How are artistic and writing practices impacted? Which behaviour should individually and collectively be implemented?
– What new way to produce and display art while public engagement becomes increasingly immaterial?
– Which vision and creativeness to be impulsed for reinventing tomorrow’s world?

Wednesday 30 June from 7 pm to 8 pm
Guests: Nathalie Talec, visual artist and Olivier Remaud, Head of Studies at the EHESS.


Cited references

Johannes Kepler, L'Etrenne ou la neige sexangulaire, Vrin Paris, 1975

Barry Lopez, Rêves arctiques, Editions Gallmeister, 1986


Nathalie TALEC

Since the 1980s, Nathalie Talec (born in 1960, lives and works in Paris) has been developing a protean body of work (performance, installation, photography, video, sculpture, drawing, painting...) around the cold and the concept of survival. From this universe, the artist rises like an explorer and the creation act appears as an expedition. The work at the studio takes the form of isolation, the appropriation of a medium is as many challenges to be met, grounds to be crossed, flags to be planted, solutions to be found so that the artist goes beyond her limits and proposes a new reading of the world.
Through this posture, Nathalie Talec explores in depth the links between art and science. Nathalie Talec has had solo exhibitions in prestigious institutions such as the EDF Foundation, Paris, the FRAC Franche-Comté, Besançon, or the MAC VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine. The artist has also developed a long-term collaboration with the Cité de la céramique, Sèvres. In 2015, she was nominated as professer at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Her work is represented by Galerie Maubert in Paris.

Olivier REMAUD 

Olivier Remaud is a philosopher and Head of Studies at the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). Laureate of several national and international prizes, he has published numerous books. His recent publication, Penser comme un iceberg, was published by Actes Sud (Mondes sauvages series, 2020). In his work, he is interested in the uses of the world and living environments. His field of studies focuses, in particular, on the importance of narratives to guide our behaviour towards living things.

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